Two days of extra holidays
If you read this is just because with two days of extra holidays (today and tuesday) I can waste five minutes to write on the blog. Sorry guys for having not kept it updated but it's the very last thing I have in my mind.
What to say.. here life is very hard and beyond studying very much I'm really in hurry for my internship applications. On the weekend of 18-20th of november I'll be in London to have a tour in some Investment Banks. I'm not really sure I go there because it's only finance... what about all the other things I learn in an MBA?? Anyway.. let's go and have a look. In addition i have the occasion to see my friends Giulia and Luca! :-)
I subscribed to the Theater Club... In case my MBA goes wrong I can try I career as an actor.. on wedneday first lesson! Yeeee
Ok.. now let's have a look at my CV (uhhh very ugly!)