Italians do it better (the MBA)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Murder at 30 degrees (with softner)

A new mystery unveiled in the tale of the magic tunnel. I was wondering why i was continuously buying black socks but my inventory in the drawers was not increasing. I thougth about some bottleneck in the cleaning-drying process but no WIP were found in the house. Now i know.
The washing machine eats socks. And more specifically black ones!

As i've learnt in HR, this is not a matter of money, this is an issue of TRUST!


Blogger NoellieBellie said...

George -

2 things. First, you need to require people to write the code word thing before they comment because you're getting a lot of spammy comments.

Second, there are a lot of black socks in the kitchen near the ironing board! I'm always wondering who they belong to... must be yours! :)

10:55 PM


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