First week report
During this week i've been busy with classes, events, group assignments. Here in NYC the students are already at work. And surprisingly the workload is quite high.
So far i've noticed some things that might be the result of a first and superficial overview but also might be confirmed by time:
- here students a really smart.
- career services are more professional, structured and efficient than IESE's ones.
- the school access to job market is better even if is mainly focused on US, especially for the industry (seems to be impossible for foreign student to access the industry job market.. which is a tragedy if u are not looking for banking or consulting and u want to work in a non-US country).
- class participation is absent if compared to iese.
- the case method is not properly applied.. class are more or less lectures with cold call.
- it seems that my name is very fancy which cause a strong attractiveness to cold calls.. i've experienced thousands of cold calls already. i'm scared.
- US people abroad define foreign people as "locals".
- US people in the US define foreigners as "foreigners".. or "invaders"
- US people, either abroad or at home, define me as "exotic".
Said that.. i will post some pictures i took. Unfortunately i'm still shy enough to not use my camera always, so i'm still missing the cool pictures at the events. But i will improve so to share with you drunk people, cool clubs and so on.
On Tuesday we have been to the World Business Forum. Many good speeches but, because of the classes, i had the opportunity to listen "only" to Rudy Giuliani and Jack Welch. Both of them were amazing. Really carismatic people. After that the IESE students were invited to join a dinner with "Mr. Strategy" Ghemawat. His speech was very good too.. but the best thing was the lunch on the 65th floor of the rockfeller center! :)
I really had a good italian mozzarella! And i was happy to find out that there is also a cool italian restaurant few blocks from where i live. They are tru italians. This reminder on the small blackboard was a clear sign of the italian pride for the world cup :)
Ok now i'm going to my first Colubia Happy Hour! Basically instead of the BOW here they allocted the expenses of a full term course on a virtual class called happy hour. The difference is that instead of using that money to pay the teacher they use it to pay drinks and food. The DJ is soo cool.. you won't even notice that he is around 50 years old! Last time I had 9 beers in 3 hours. Not baaaaad!
Why would an Italian called Ottathycal be perceived as exotic??Those americans are crazy. And teachers are calling you in class? That is impossible to belive!!
Have lots of exotic fun ;)
10:42 AM
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