Italians do it better (the MBA)

Monday, January 23, 2006

Warm Weather

I heard that in all Europe there is an incredible wave of cold which brings temperatures around -20 degrees. The lengend says that in Milan during the morning you can see the firemen going around to thaw the frozen transexuals in the streets. Well.. here is totaly different. Not only because there are no transexuals in the streets (even if i can understand that for many of you this can be a pity) but also because the temperature amazingly warm and is gettin better every day. There has been no single day in which it was too cold to go aournd by bike. Saturday we played football and during the break we could even lay under the sun! And tonight we go even further... we will have our first BBQ to give baptism to the new roof-terrace season! Viva Barcelona!


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